How to set up a Mac for Enhanced Server Printing

This method of printing will allow the Mac user to print directly from their workstation to the printer. Their job will still be recorded in the Print Director system as normal, but it won’t be placed into the ‘Follow Me’ system, i.e. the user will need to collect their job at the printer to which they sent it.

Ensure a user record exists for the user in Resource Manager

Firstly, we need to ensure we have a record for the user in Resource Manager with a PIN number we will use to insert into their printer settings on their PC. If the user exists, take note of their PIN. To create the user, follow these steps:

  • Open Resource Manager.
  • Navigate to User Management > Users.
  • Click Add.
  • Choose the Department into which the User must be placed and click OK. The new user defaults set for this Department will be inherited.
  • In the User Name text box, enter the user’s full name.
  • In the Controller User ID text box, enter the PIN number the user will use to log in to the printers. Click the Auto button to generate a random, unique PIN number.
  • If the user has a card and the printers make use of card swipe authentication, enter the user’s card number into the Card No text box.
  • Enter the user’s email address in the Email Address text box. This is used for the following purposes:
    • Allowing for Scan-to-me functionality on Konica Minolta and Lexmark Embedded Devices.
    • Sending emails from within Resource Manager.
    • Sending emails after Rule violations.
  • Click OK.

Set up the printer on the Mac

Now that we have a PIN number for the user, we can set up the printer on their Mac.

  • Ensure the correct Konica Minolta driver is installed. Download from (NOTE: Generic Postscript driver will not work).
  • Add the printer via System Prefs the normal way. NB: When the Options & Supplies screen is displayed, ensure that the Hard Disk option is ticked.


  • Once installed, open something to print and press Apple+P (or File > Print). Do this from MS Word or Safari (TextEdit often has the required settings greyed out). If the following screen is displayed, click Show Details.


  • When the following screen is displayed, change the drop-down to Output Method.


  • Now click Detail Settings…


  • Now click Administrator Settings and then click the Settings… button.


  • If all the Administrator settings are greyed out, close the application and use a different application to print (e.g. Safari or Word or Excel). In the Administrator Settings window, change the Enhanced Server drop down to On. Click OK.
    • If it’s only the Enhanced Server dropdown that is greyed out, ensure that the printer Options & Supplies has the Hard Drive Installed option selected (System Prefs > Print & Scan > Select printer > Options & Supplies)


  • Now click on User Authentication then click the Settings… button again.


  • In the Enhanced Server Settings window, untick the Public User checkbox. Delete what is currently in the User Name textbox and enter the User’s Controller User ID (PIN number). Click OK.


  • Now click Print so that the settings are saved.

Adobe Products Print Dialogue

Some Adobe products (e.g. Reader, Illustrator) use their own print dialogue that will ignore any authentication settings saved in the printer. This means that the user’s job cannot be authenticated at the printer and will be deleted if ‘Print Without Authentication’ is set to ‘Restrict’ on the printer.

To allow printing from these Adobe products, click the Printer… button at the bottom of the dialogue:


Click Yes in the next dialogue:


Now click Print and then Print again.

Printing from Chrome web browser

It has also been discovered that Chrome web browser on OS 10.10 does the same thing. In the default print dialogue there is a link to ‘print using OS printer’. Click this to print successfully.